Kalo kata Saykoji "So What Getu Loooh...!"
Kalo kata Jane Doe "Gak bangett getuu loooooowh!!"
Gak banget karena hal-hal bodoh dan aneh ini terjadi hari ini.
Kemaren temen gue ngebantuin kosek kamar mandi plus plus... kosek bak mandi, yang ternyata masih pengosek amatir. Bukannya apa, hari itu benar-benar saat-saat pertamanya melihat kotoran dan lumut yang menempel jatuh dan luruh karena terpana oleh porstex yang menyengat itu. Gue udah bilang, don't be too excited, ato lo ga bisa ngebedain mana kotoran dan mana semen! Eh awal2nya sih oke laah... bersih... cuman di sudut2 agak gemanaa getu. Ya sudah lah... dasar amatir!!!
Gak taunya, hari ini ternyataaa... bak mandi gue bocor!! Gara-gara amatir yang too excited! Gue harus nyemen bak mandi gue sebelum nyokap pulang minggu ini!! Thanks a lot teman!!!
Kemaren, cocono cupaw dupaw blee... sakit maag, setelah minum oplosan gak jelas dan dihukum karena datang terlambat untuk rapat di NSOMNX, minuman apakah itu gue juga getaw. Keesokannya dia masih belum berasa apa-apa, diganjel indomie kaldu udang 2 bungkus, dan nasi pare, jengkol dan telur dari warteg deket kos siang harinya. Sore hari sekitar jam 6, muntah-muntah, anehnya yang keluar bukan jengkolnya, tapi nasinya... wuihhh keren juga tuh perut tahu mana makanan yang tabu. Sebagai seorang pacar yang baik dan cantik, gue pergi beli coklat, dan obat maag, juga susu beruang. Sambil ngumpet2 makan es krim di tempat donald, takut dianggap tidak pengertian, udah tau pacarnya sakit, masih ajaaa sempet makan es krim. Huhuhu.... nyampe di kosan cocono masih lemaazz... dan minum obat maag, sambil sedikit coklat. Eh... tiba2 dia muntah di kamarnya, dan sekali lagi perut sungguh mengetahui mana yang harus dimuntahkan dan mana yang harus disimpan, coklatnya sama sekali ga dimuntahin!!! Hebat! Akhirnya dengan susah payah, seorang tukan tattoo yang takut jarum suntik, maunya ke klinik aja, jangan ke rumah sakit, dan jangan pake suntik di pantat!! plis deh...
Udah getu temen2nya pas dikabarin ada tukang tattoo di infus di rumah sakit, mereka cuma bisa nyengir. (Gue juga kok!)
Hari ini setelah menikmati tidur malam yang barang 5 jam doang, tiba-tiba ada telepon dari handphne adek, lah dalam hati ini adek gue ajah masih disebelah gue tidur kayak sapi hamil, hapenya lagi di lantai atas, dan mati pula, dan tidak ada orang lain di rumah itu selain gue dan adek gue... jadi siapakah yang miss call gue jam 06.54 tadi.... untung gue reject, kalo gue terima.... uuhhh i can be the next Scully. The Truth is Up There!!
Nyampe kantor kira-kira jam 10.30, dengan bahagianya mau pamer tas aru yang seharga 15rebu rupiah, ngga taunya, tidak ada satupun manusia di ruangan gue. Sialan... sungguh tragis nasib ini, seorang desainer grafis di sebuah majalah ternama, ditinggalkan sendirian di ruangannya, tanpa menejer, tanpa copywriter, dan tanpa desainer soulmate nya.... what a poetic tragedy
Siangnya pesen makan di warteg, cuman 3000 rupiah, murah sih, dan malah dapet tambahan pula, nasi + telor dadar + kangkung + kacang panjang + ULAAT....
Mas, laen kali... biar mahal asal ga pake ulat deh.... kejadian tertinggal di ruangan sendirian udah cukup tragis
I'm happy... what about you?
Hal kecil yang membuatku bahagia..
- Memasak, orang-orang yang gue sayang menghabiskannya dengan lahap dan memintanya lagi
- Jalanan yang sepi menuju ke kantor
- Gajian, gajian, gajian...
- Pujian ringan dari pembaca, untuk suplemen bulan lalu
- Hasil cetakan yang memuaskan...
- Teman-teman baru, hi... Bayu
- Artikel pertama, dengan nama yang dicantumkan di catcher... uuuu... bahagiaaaa
- First song on the radio, ... aku hanya ingin bersamamu.... thx a lot!
- Luxury day... here I come!!!
- Seorang teman sudah berhasil menyelesaikan kuliah, setelah sekian lama... gratz baby Donald
- Cocono bulet endut bulbul, miss me?
- Dimintain permen ama anak-anak kecil, dan dikibulin masalah bantuin cuci mobil!!!
- Being rarely beautiful moron ever exist and happy about it!!
On The Radio
Have you ever heard the song from Nelly Furtado “Shit on The Radio”?
Sometimes I hear the shit on the radio, I mean… when our mood is really really bad… and then we hear the sad songs that stab me right into my heart… that’ what I call SHIT!
When I feel lonely, and I hear “Creep” from Radiohead, I think I’m goin to suicide… that’s what I call REALLY SHIT!
And today, I’m havin my Monday phobia, feelin down, lazy, feels like don’t want to get out from my blanket, and it’s kinda hard to open my eyes, and driving to my office, and…. So many shitty things goin on this Monday, guess I need some hedonism…
So, today when I arrived at my office, I hear the songs on the radio…
Safri Duo – All The People in The World.
I said okay… here we go… all the people in the world every boy and every girl help me out with my layout!!!
Everything But The Girl – Missing You
And I miss you like the desert miss the rain… well… I like to say “I don’t MISS you!”
And finally… my favourite… “Joker”
I don’t know who sing that song…
I know it’s 20th June, and it’s been two month since someone won’t forget me, everything I do, every little thing I said, everything I like, every little thing I’ve done for him…
The best part is, “ … I’m a lover, and I’m a sinner….” Don’t you dare to change big things, or little thing inside you… I will always be a lover and a sinner.
The song you hear on the radio, affects your whole day
Girls Night Out LESSON!!
Pay attention for what you see, coz it will impact on what you get!
When i went for my Girls Night Out, here's what i got from goin to Centro with my friends...
Rules no 1 - Make your mind, what is your purpose on your Girls Night Out, just want to have some fun or you want to go bitchy and find some Boys...
Rules no 2 - Always remember your first purpose, go back home with your friend, and don't do stupid things such as fall down on the dance floor, or kissing with someone you don't even know who.
Rules no 3 - You have to at least know count on one waiter there to get you some free drink.
Rules no 4 - You have to go wild and bitchy, make the boys want you so bad, but don't let 'em get you.
Rules no 5 - Do not cwa wa an .... (translation please!!!)
After knowing the rules, here's some lesson, guarantee it will give you the best Girls Night Out.
Lessons no 1 - Feel free to judge the man, by it's drink. If they only drink beers... or Corona, feel free to look at another man whose drinkin' other sexy drink like Tequila, flaming, or some other expensive drinks.
Lessons no 2 - Dancing with your girlfriend is a must!
Lessons no 3 - If you think that someone you see there is handsome, then actually he's average. But if you think that he's ugly, then actually he's really really need plastic surgery.
Lessons no 4 - You have to hold your glass in a very sexy way.
Lessons no 5 - Don't forget to give the waiter some tip, we expect some free drink next time :)
Lessons no 6 - Watch your cigarette,you might burn your friend or the whole club!
Lessons no 7 - Dance in at least 5 different style.
Lessons no 8 - Don't forget to smile
Me, My Self, and My Black Coffee
What would you do when your morning become gloomy...
Look your self, all you can see is just the picture a girl with a black circle in her eyes, lack of sleep in the night before
Look at your brother, all you can see is just a boy, still sleep and as big as a pregnant cow.. ready to give birth
Look at your car, his name is inferno... the gas is not half full, but half empty
Look at your neighbour, they are stunned looking at you with your wet hair, and your clothes... "Are you goin to your office today?" (Hell yea....)
Look at the male cat, can't stand the passion to fuck with the female cat... is that what she wants?
Look at the children, they seemed happy but what's on their mind? Nobody know...
Look at the road, they don't get older, or any younger, or stronger, they are just tired... I suppose
Look at the newspaperboy, there are so many of them... can they handle the world in their hands?
Look at the traffic light, aren't they bored with the same three colors they have... everywhere anywhere.
Look at the trees, aren't they are waiting for the genius inventors to find a new mask to cover their leaves... "The air is getting hard on us... human are stupid... we might have cancer..."
Look at the sky, i miss the clear bright blue i used to...
Look at the buliding along the road, i want to go somewhere... i don't like being paralyzed al the time
Look at other car along your way to the office, "Wash me, clean me up, gimme some perfume, I think i need my lawyer, i want a divorce with you... have you ever treat me well?
Look at my office, "Hi there, mornin lil girl, I'm havin' my plastic surgery, they want me to look pretty... soon you won't recognize me again..."
Look at my computer, "Clean me up stupid!" (Hey... i'm the one who write this down, don't do that to me stupid!)
Look at my friends, i think they are crazy...
Look at my black coffee, boost my brain please.
Look at yourself again, are you feelin better rite now? Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe soon, maybe tomorrow, maybe yesterday, maybe after i drinking my black coffee